
SIck Ward

Update: I feel better ... then I do more chores; like clean out the rat nest in the garage, dig out the dirt around the French drain next to the driveway that had built up over five years, dig up the step stones and realign them in the back yard - you know, small stuff - and what happens? Can you say relapse?
Yup. My chest is tight again. My saliva glands are working overtime again. The cough is reminding me I am not fine. The tip of my tongue is raw and hyper sensitive (chocolate stings!) This sucks!
I could probably run if I went out but .... I am reluctant.


jeanne said...

What did the doctor tell you?? Any diagnosis yet??? we are ALL very worried.

21st Century Mom said...

Have you been tested for mono or walking pneumonia because both sound like possible candidates. What has the doctor said or did you not go after all?

Joe said...

Yuck!! Keep hanging in there, David, it will end!!

Rhea said...

Wait a minute. You haven't been to the doctor yet?! Go Now!You need some strong meds to kick this thing for good.

Running Chick said...

and do we really need to remind you that REST is an important part of the healing process..and by REST, we mean DOING NOTHING.

get better dammit!