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The exhiliration of the Gasparilla Race weekend continued into Sunday as the Red Sox, I mean Patriots, won the Super Bowl. Then the worst thing happened for just about everybody I knew: Monday came. Everybody looked partied out, hung over or tired. I was okay enough to throw on the sneaks and run for 35 minutes. It was a slow start but by the end I was hauling like it was race day again. I liked how I bounced right back from the Saturday race effort and was able to go again.
This morning I went to the orthopedist to check on my shoulders. Both have hurt like hell when I sleep on my side but not at all during the day or when running. I can barely put my suit coat on though. 6 x-rays later and I need an MRI for further evaluation of whether I have a torn left rotator cuff. The bone doesn't sit quite right in the socket. Both shoulders may be frozen too, he thinks. (Hey, this is Florida not the UP!) I'm wondering if it's the latest manifestation of stress in my body. It used to be teeth grinding, then a clicking jaw and now it's shoulders. Maybe if I did some upper body work once in awhile I'd be better off. I think it all started with overdoing the pruning of downed limbs after our 3-hurricane season of 2004. Anyway now I have a months worth of rehab to attend after the MRI.
Next race - Feb 26 at the Outback Distance Classic. I can smell that steak grilling already... but I'll wait for the next one cuz this one'll be too well done by then. Later!


Jon (was) in Michigan said...

Up the next day for a run? Very nice. Sorry the shoulders are hurting. I feel your pain. Well, I feel my pain and if your pain is like mine, then I definately feel your pain, only lower.

Rachel said...

I know of so many people who are still sustaining hurricane injuries. One fellow runner at Rollins had to have a metal rod implanted in her neck because a tree limb fell on her-- she's okay, fortunately, but how painful... Hope you're feeling better soon...