
Taper Week

I have a little old race on Sunday too. It's not Hartford or Chicago where the people I envy are going but it'll do. Disney 10K. My last long run - according to plan - was to have been nine miles yesterday. I thought I knew the distance but when I came home to log it I thought my time was a little slow so double checked the distance with the google pedometer and, well, it was 10.5 miles. No big deal. I felt great and met some faster runners who asked me to join them next time out. I might enjoy their challenge.
This is taper week. A little speed work tomorrow ( 2 miles), four miles on Wed. and hardly anything on Thursday. Saturday will be three easy ones and then the race on Sunday. I'm bored already. I'm looking ahead to my half marathon training (Dec. 3 race) and possibly, just maybe, if nothing breaks before November 7, I'll turn the page and look at an even more rigorous training schedule for a race in February. That's all I'm going to say about it, especially after reading Brent's post today.


Jon (was) in Michigan said...

Wait a minute. After reading Brent's post? Are you talking about the "M" word?

Running Chick said...

I will completely ignore the sentence where you may or may not have been alluding to a future race of some considerable distance.

Instead, I will wish you GOOD LUCK this weekend, since I know I will forget to say it later this week. Being a little distracted and all. =)

Jank said...

(cue the musical build up...)

Good luck with the race on Sunday.

Rae said...

Good luck at Disney this weekend! Which half-marathon are you doing in December?