
10 Day Forecast

I took my last little jaunt of six miles before the New Haven 20K next Monday. It was easy as I went out slowly with my slow running group and hardly got winded. The pace was up at 9:44. All that's left is Taper Week with a little interval on Tuesday, a couple of miles Wednesday, less than a mile on Thursday and a 3 mile easy jog over the weekend. What's a glutton for miles gonna do? My shoes won't even get soggy this week.
Not to look ahead but I always do ... Forecast for New Haven, September 5: morning low of 64, mostly sunny and moving up to 80 by the middle of the day. Sounds perfect to me. I haven't seen 64 since .... wait a minute ... let me look back a few months ... nope .... nope - April 30!
The lead-in weekend looks great too with sunny skies; temps in the high 70s/low 80s. Perfect for the beach and just about anything. Let's hope Katrina blows through quickly so we can get it all going on.
I may even forego pineapples on the pizza Sunday night; I'm feeling so good about this.


Running Chick said...

don't. even. think. about. pineapple.


Jon (was) in Michigan said...

Pineapple on pizza has to be one of the greatest sins every created in the world of food. Its a total ABOMINATION!

Now anchovies are a different story...

Mia Goddess said...

Doesn't sound like you can go wrong! I can't believe how fast it came...

Jank said...

Hey, feel free to have whatever you want on the pizza pie! It will be good to run with you again...

Sarah said...

I can hardly wait! Taper, taper :-)