
A Calm Race Day

I can remember when the pre-race regimen of race day was a stressful period. Now that I have been racing for 5 years it has become more "normal." I have a routine that I have tinkered with over the years - waking up 2 hours prior to start time, an ibuprofin, a breakfast that doesn't talk back to me at mile 2, the wardrobe decisions, the warm up, strides and stretches. It all comes more naturally now. When I stand at the start line I am more often amused to look around and see how everyone else is composed or preparing for the race ahead. I know I'm ready and relaxed. Is everyone else? Hardly but that's why it's fun.
Today's race was the one that I've set my two best 5K times in so I was very confident and challenged to see if I could beat the PRs. The sky was overcast with a modest wind. Temperature was 60 and 84% humidity.
If I did anything wrong this morning it was not getting closer to the front at the start line. In my first mile I encountered too much traffic and was annoyed at the 8:13.4 readout on my lap timer at the cone. With clear sailing, the second mile dropped to 7:52.8 and I had hopes to beat the 8 minute/mile pace I strive for. The final mile and a tenth I felt like it would be close. Once across the line in 24:52.0 I knew I had not PRed. At home I calculated the pace (8:01/mile) and am pleased to have managed so well, having lost 13 seconds in the first mile, winding my way through slower runners.
Next up is the 15K in Tampa in 3 weeks. I think I'll go out for a long jog later today.


Anonymous said...

When you say Tampa in 3 weeks are you referring to the Gasparilla Classic Races? Some of us are coming down from Canada for that one. I'm doing the half on Sunday and another blogger, Karen is doing the 15km on Saturday. Just watch out for a bunch of slow runners with penguins on our shirts...lol.

Have a great race...Dawn

Jon (was) in Michigan said...

That was a good race. You obviously shaved alot of seconds off the 2nd and 3rd miles to get that overall 8:01 pace.

And 60's sounds like a nice temp but 80% humidity is a just a killer. Good thing it wasn't much longer than a 5K.

Good job!

Rachel said...

Sounds like the way a good race day ought to be! I find I get less nervous now for races than I did when I first started running them, but that certainly wasn't true at Disney. Then it was more the fear of venturing into the unknown, i.e. miles 20-26...

David said...

Yes I'll be in Tampa for the Bank of America Gasparilla 15K on Saturday, February 5. Hotel rooms are hard to come by but I managed to find a room on Orbitz at a preferred hotel that told me they were sold out!