
A busy week

I made it through the week without any major flare-ups and am now comfortably tucked away on the coast of Rhode Island. The weather was perfect for the beach on Saturday so that's is exactly where we went. Saw many old acquaintances including this young lady.

Before heading north I went and bought some new shoes and margarita bloks. I went economy on the shoes, buying some Asics 2130s instead of the usual high-cushion Kayanos. After two runs in them I had no issues but I am sensing some tenderness in my ankles and shins. Now that might just have something to do with the 18-miler yesterday - in the rain - on those unfamiliar to me (flat-lander) hills that jump up here and there.

The rain was probably a blessing to run in, insofar as blazing sun would be less suitable for the distance. It was a good enough run albeit quite slow; mostly around 11:30/mile pace. [I am so excited - two three-word words in one paragraph].

My mileage for the rest of the vacation is pretty strong (for me) with three 5-milers during this week and a 19-miler next Sunday and a 21-miler the following Sunday. I have a chance to run with the Running Chick (maybe) next weekend at a free 11.6 race in New London but I have not made any commitments. My brother is coming up next weekend and I haven't done enough homework on the race time. I'll do that next and post again. I have more time to do that now that it's vacation time.


Darrell said...

Impressive usage of the language, I must say.

Enjoy your time away.

21stCenturyMom said...

Turn those cheap shoes into gardening shoes before you wreck your knees. There is a reason you usually wear the high priced spread.

Do go run with the RunningChick. Did you read about our "reunification". It's a great story!

Running Chick said...

Race time is 9:00 a.m. although I'm not sure if we needed to pre-register since they mail you the bib and you use that to gain entrance to the parking lot. I've sent an inquiry to the RD and will keep you posted! (no fee for the race!)

CewTwo said...

Sounds like you are having a great time! And yet so focused on running!

I worry about new shoes. I over pronate and need to still get comfort. I am almost exclusively a Mizuno man for the comfort and stability they give me.

Good luck, good training!

See you in Chicago!

David said...

The cheaper shoes were still $90. Much like the $140 Kayanos but not quite as much thick cushioning.

Joe said...

Enjoy the vacation!! And take care of the knees....

Say "Hi" to Running Chick for me!

Runner Susan said...

you are trying to make me feel guilty aren't you Mr 18miler? Go ahead, it's not working.

Rae said...

Man! I can't believe your long runs are so long already!