
Cool Running

Monday was a chilly one here in the Sunshine State with my morning run kicking out with the first peek of the sun in 40 degree temps. It was the coldest day I've run in over a year - not since the Iowa River Run in Iowa City a year ago November (not a formal race; just a long run along the river). For this day I doubled up the long sleeve tech shirts, wore tights, gloves and a cap. I tore the cap off at mile 4 and the gloves and mile 5 to finish a toasty 6 mile run with no complaints in the body department. I did notice, though, that the left outside heel of my shoe is worn much more than the right. The Saucony Hurricanes I love have about 300 miles on them. I compared them to my last pair and, yes indeed, I'm a foot dragger with my left foot. Or as my chiropractor might say, "You're a little long here today. Let me fix that."
So I think it smart to go buy some new shoes before my 15K. The midsoles of these are probably pounded down by now anyway. My right ITB does whisper to me a few times when I run long so it must be a message to mind.

1 comment:

Jon (was) in Michigan said...

As long as that ITB keeps whispering and not shouting. ;)

And nothing makes for a good run like new shoes.