
June un-swooning

I have turned it around. I ran like I was supposed to this week. That slippery slope of skipping one, then two runs did not last.

I did some 1600s on Tuesday, a :30 second per mile decreasing pace 6-miler on Thursday. That was hard. Friday I jogged four miles.

Tomorrow I will be asked for a note from my keeper for the unexcused absence last Sunday. I'll have to outrun them.


Neese said...

glad to hear the slope isn't so slippery!

CewTwo said...

Good Job! I don't want to miss any training as I do so want to complete my first marathon.

I'm trying to keep my training at the finishing level. That would keep me satisfied.

It is good to see you working at getting faster! I am impressed!

jeanne said...

i just get slower and slower and slower.

i wonder if it has anything to do with not training?????????

you rule.