

For those of you who still wander over to see what I am doing I apologize if I have not been commenting at your place much. Actually I haven't been reading much either because (a) it is baseball spring training time and my addiction came back and I read all about it all night, instead of reading running blogs; and (b) the one blog I have kept up with is a friend who has been working the Olympics in Turin and keeps posting great stories and pictures of himself with the American athletes. You can go see for yourself if you want. Ask for Derrick.

Oh ... and my sister is coming to town Thursday to join me at the Coldplay concert Saturday. Fourth row, my friends. No nose bleeds for me. I may need earplugs though.


Running Chick said...

coldplay! FINALLY!!!

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

Apology accepted but not required.